Monday, 23 July 2018

Erbil, 16 July 2018. The EU-funded HOPES project held a ceremony today to award 89 students from Syria and Kurdistan region of Iraq (KRI) with scholarships for a two years Diploma, Bachelor, and Master degrees at several universities. 

The ceremony took place at the Erbil International Hotel and was attended by representatives of the Delegation to the European Union to Iraq, the KRI Ministry of Higher Education, and several national and international educational institutions.

The event was opened by his Excellency Dr. Yosif Goran, the Minister of higher Education and Scientific Research in KRI, the Head of the EU office to Erbil, Ms. Clarisse Pasztory, the HOPES project deputy director, Dr. Abdel Nasser Hindawi, as well as HOPES student representative, Mr. Louay Salman Haji. After the opening, the scholarship certificates were awarded to 89 students, of which 48 are women.

To date, HOPES has granted 459 full scholarships in Northern Iraq, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey.  These scholarships and the regular follow up with the students are helping them pursue their educational path and prepare them for challenges of their future.

HOPES (Higher and Further Education Opportunities and Perspectives for Syrians) is a €12 million regional project, funded by the European Union’s Regional Trust Fund in response to the Syrian Crisis, ‘the Madad Fund’ and implemented by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) together with the British Council, Campus France, and Nuffic.

The project improves prospects for students of post-secondary-age and provides access to quality further and higher education opportunities for refugees from Syria as well as young people in the host communities in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey.HOPES activities include full academic scholarships at different levels, English courses, academic counselling and support funding for innovative short-term education projects.

The European Union's ‘Madad Fund’ addresses socio-economic, educational, health, sanitary, and psycho-social needs of Syrian refugees, host communities and their administrations, and internally displaced persons in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey.

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